Tuesday 6 September 2011




Ianya merupakan jenama yang diberikan kepada kuku yang terdapat pembahagian warna seperti dibawah ini

ianya merupakan petanda kekurangan albumin (seperti dalam kes penyakit buah pinggang, masalah hati dan kesan rawatan chemoteraphy.

Garisan Beau's

ianya terjadi hasil dari penyakit yang terlalu teruk, kekurangan nutrition, perubahan metabolik yang ketara 
Any severe systemic illness that disrupts nail growth, Raynaud’s disease, pemphigus, trauma

Garisan Aldrich  Mees

Kehilangan warna kuku berlaku akibat keracunanarsenic, thallium atau logam berat. Juga klihatan kesan dari kegagalan buah pinggang.
 Hodgkin’s disease, CHF, leprosy, malaria, chemotherapy, carbon monoxide poisoning, other systemic insults


Dikaitkan dengan kekurangan zat "iron"


Monday 5 September 2011

related website

Mengesan Penyakit Melalui Tangan



Merupakan petanda adanya mengalami pernapasan seperti bronchitis, kanser paru-paru ataupun  masalah diabetes


Merupakan petunjuk pengedaran darah dan oksigen tidak berjalan lancar yang berkaitan dengan hati, jantung dan paru-paru. Ianya merupakan petanda adanya mengalami asthma, anaemia, jantung, hati atau paru-paru. 


Ianya berkaitan dengan  masalah anemia, gagal jantung, pengidap penyakit hati atau juga gizi yang buruk.


Ianya mungkin berkaitan dengan masalah hati seperti hepatitis. Sebaliknya bila bahagian  hujung kuku berwarna merah muda atau coklat, ianya merupkan petanda masalah ginjal.

Yellow Nail Syndrome
Ianya merupakan gambaran terhadap masalah pernafasan



Ianya merupakan gambaran terhadap masalah paru-paru

Kuku Terry's
Terry's Nails
Dikenali dengan jalur gelap dihujung kuku.
petanda mengidap penyakit serius seperti kanser, congestive heart failurediabetes dan hati. 
Hepatic failure, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, CHF, hyperthyroidism, malnutrition


Merupakan petanda mengalami masalah athritis
Inflammatory bowel disease, pulmonary malignancy, asbestosis, chronic bronchitis, COPD, cirrhosis, congenital heart disease, endocarditis, atrioventricular malformations, fistulas


Ianya berkaitan dengan kekurangan zat-zat tertentu


Merupakan petanda mengalami masalah KANSER KULIT / Melanoma



Blue nails
May be indicative of pulmonary obstruction, emphysema or lung disease. Blue fingernails may represent a type of cyanosis caused by a lower level of lack of circulating oxygen in the red blood cells. It may also represent a high level of an abnormal form of hemoglobin in the circulation. If normal color returns upon warming and/or massage, the cause is due to the body part not getting enough blood supply due to cold, constriction (of the tissues or the blood vessels that supply the tissues) or some other reason. If the fingernails remain blue, then there may be an underlying disease or structural abnormality interfering with the body’s ability to deliver oxygenated red blood to the body.
Black nails
Black fingernails can indicate signs of Anemia, B-12 deficiency, bacterial infection, chronic kidney disease, adrenal gland problems, liver disease, cancer or melanomas, silver deposits (heavy metals), trauma.
White fingernails
May be indicative of kidney or liver disorders or anemia. White lined bands across the nail beds can signal a protein deficiency.
White spots on nails
In most cases this is due to a zinc deficiency or injuries to the nail bed. It can however also be indicative of certain internal problems such as arthritis, or from poisoning. Although it has been noted that white lines can be symptoms of a serious disorder, their presence is more than likely a result of iron or zinc deficiency.
White areas under nails
When there are white areas visible under the nail, normally at the tip of the nail where it joins the nail bed, this normally indicates a fungal infection and must be treated medically. Half white nails, with dark spots, especially on the tip, may be indicative of kidney diseases.
Grey nails
Can suggest arthritis problems, edema, malnutrition, post-operative effects, glaucoma, lung problems, emphysema, cardio-pulmonary disease.
Green nails
Can be caused by allergies to cleaning agents, Bacterial infection such as Bacillus infection, localized fungal infection, and serious emphysema.
Yellow nails
Can be indicative of problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes or liver. Yellow discoloration in your fingernails may result from a respiratory condition, such as chronic bronchitis, or from swelling of your hands (lymphedema). In yellow nail syndrome, nails thicken and new growth slows, resulting in discoloration. Nails affected with this condition may lack a cuticle and may detach from the nail bed in places.
Purple nails
Oxygen deprivation, circulatory problems, congenital problems.
Red fingernails
Possible Brain hemorrhage, heart disease, high blood pressure, lung disease, stroke, carbon monoxide poisoning.
Darkening of nails (on the sides)
This may be indicative of kidney disease.
Lines (red or brown)
Splinter hemorrhage shows up as red or brown lines along the long axis of the nail and may be caused by endocarditis (an inflammation of the heart membranes) or trichinosis (a parasitic infection from undercooked pork). A simple dark blue line in the fingernail can be a sign of skin cancer. Tiny black streaks can indicate a possible heart problem, and thin black lines on the nail often indicate a heart disease.
Brown spots under nails
Pitted brown spots in fingernails may indicate a skin and joint disorder called psoriasis. Reddish-brown spots can indicate a deficiency of folic acid, protein or vitamin C.

Read more: http://www.disabled-world.com/health/dermatology/nails/nail-color.php#ixzz1XEyYtrTU

part two
Wasting away of Nails; Nail loses luster and becomes smaller, Injury or disease 

Thickened Nail Plate: Poor circulation; fungal infection; heredity; mild, persistent trauma to the nail 

Pitted Nails sometimes yellow-to=brown: Eczema or psoriasis; hair loss condition 

Very soft Nails: Contact with strong alkali; malnutrition; endocrine problems; chronic arthritis 

Spoon shaped Nails: Iron deficiency; thyroid disease 

Clublike Nails - swollen finger ends: Chronic respiratory or heart problems; cirrhosis of the liver 

Horizontal ridges: Injury; infection; nutrition 

Longitudinal ridges: Aging, poor absorption of vitamins and minerals; thyroid disease; kidney failure 

Colorless: May indicate anemia. 

Red or deep pink: Can indicate a tendency to poor peripheral circulation. 

Yellow: Could indicate fungus, diabetes, psoriasis, use of tetracycline, or heredity. 

White, crumbly, soft: May be a result of a fungus infection 

No Moons: Possible underactive thyroid; genetics 

Overlarge Moons: Possible Overactive thyroid; genetics; self-induced trauma (habit tick) 

Complete loss of Nail: Trauma 

Nail Plate Loose: Injury; nail psoriasis; fungal or bacterial infections; medicines; chemotherapy; thyroid disease; Raynaud’s phenomenon; lupus 

Brittle, split Nails: Nail dryness, nails in contact with irritating substances (detergents, chemicals, polish remover); silica deficiency 

Pale, brittle nails, spoon-shaped or with ridges down the length - can signify anemia; this lack of iron can be due to inadequate nutrition 

Thick, distorted fingernails can signify a fungal condition: If you have a fungal infection distorted fingernails could also be due to arterial sclerosis, so see your health care conditioner to rule that out. 

Clubbed fingernails can signify a problem with your blood flow. See your health care practitioner. 

White spots on your nails - is often due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. 

Brittle and lifting easily from your nail beds, along with dry skin, always feeling cold and hair falling out - could indicate a problem with your thyroid gland; 

Excessively flexible nails, may signify deficiency of calcium and sometimes protein. 

Infected Nails: RED, TENDER, SWOLLEN, PUS: Bacterial or yeast infection 

Whitish hue at base of fingernails, may signify liver trouble. If it's a matter of cleansing your liver, taking milk thistle (silymarin) capsules, available at your health food store; 

Splinters that don't hurt - could be subacute bacterial endocarditis, a very serious condition. See your health care practitioner immediately! 

Purple or black: Usually due to trauma, or may also be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. 

Bluish nails - probably means you aren't getting enough oxygen; combined with a cough and shortness of breath means heart failure or chronic lung trouble and you should see you health care practitioner; 

A Brown or Black streak:, that begins at the base of the nail and extends to its tip could be a diagnostic clue to a potentially dangerous melanoma. See your healthcare provider. 


The colour of your nails: 
'Healthy nail beds are pink due to the rich blood supply underneath them,' says nutritionist Patrick Holford. 'Any changes in colour are an important indicator of deficiencies, lack of nutritents or more obviously, an accident.' 

White nails: 
Indicate lack of iron and poor circulation where the blood is not reaching the end of your fingers. 'Build blood by increasing your magnesium intake,' recommends naturopath Cornelis Van Dalen. 

Dark red nails: 
Can result from high content of fatty acids and cholesterol due to excess of dairy, sugar and salt. This can lead to an underactive liver and blocked arteries. Cornelis suggests replacing refined foods with whole grain rice and bread. Also flush out the system with plenty of fresh vegetables and at least five glasses of water per day. 

Red-purple nails: 
Indicate an upset digestive system caused by over consumption of sugar, pharmaceutical drugs, fruits and juices. 'Avoid tropical fruit - which hold a high content of sugar - and eat plenty of seasonal vegetables, whole grains and pulses,' says Cornelis.

White Spots: 

Show high content of sugar from alcohol, fruit and chocolate. Also indicates lack of zinc which is needed for mineral breakdown in the process of digestion. Cornelis says 'Eat zinc-rich foods such as wholegrains and chicken.' Also, consider taking zinc supplements.
  • The texture of nails: 
Can also reveal a person's physical and mental condition. Cornelis recommends cutting out refined foods, such as sugar and flour, and eating wholegrains, pulses and plenty of fresh vegetables. 
Brittle nails: 
Indicate liver congestion from lack of vegetables, pulses and fish. 
Flaky nails: 
Show over-consumption of sugar, additives and pharmaceutical drugs. 
Horizontal ridges: 
Indicate high levels of stress. 
Vertical ridges: 
Point to congested liver, kidneys, digestion tract and liver stagnation.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-15289/How-nails-reveal-health.html#ixzz1XF0b8GYg

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-15289/How-nails-reveal-health.html#ixzz1XF0B6SLr



Kuku adalah merupakan salah satu anggota badan yang sering kita lihat tetapi sayangnya sebarang perubahan yang berlaku kepada kuku kita (yang mana ianya merupakan penanda aras masalah kesihatan kita kita), kita tidak perhatikan kerana kita tidak menganalisa petunjuk-petunjuk tahap kesihatan itu melalui perubahan tanda-tanda pada kuku kita itu.

Secara amnya bentuk kuku, saiz kuku, warna, teksturnya dan  kekuatannya berbeza dari seorang keseorang bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan dan masalah kesihatan yang dialami seseorang itu. Maklumlah cara pemakanan dan gaya hidup kita berbeza dari seseorang ke seseorang, sebab itulah penyakit yang dialami juga berbeza dan ianya dizahirkan dalam pelbagai tanda termasuk kuku.

"Kuku adalah jendela ke dalam tubuh seseorang. Melalui kuku dapat terlihat kemungkinan penyakit apa saja yang sedang berlaku dalam tubuh seseorang itu" Andrea Cambio, MD, FAAD dari American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).
